What you will find:
White Tower Updates
I had hoped to have this all up sooner but even the more active admins will procrastinate on the smallest things. For those that are new or that are returning to the folds of Dragonmount Roleplay allow me to catch you up on the recent events within the Tower. In the following sections you will learn of new Major Roleplays, the changes in policies as well as the opening of 3 new WT Staff positions.
Also -as a side note- PLEASE remember that when you Join the White Tower to post in our Usergroup & Roll Call thread to ensure that you have access to all White Tower Forums.
All other WT Divisional Information can be found Here or by clicking the WT banner in this announcement.
Chain of Events
At the begining of September we posted a contest for Novices and Accepteds as to who can spread the best Rumour regarding the disappearance of the former Amyrlin Sirayn Simeone Sedai.
I wish to congratulate both Veria (nephitess) and An’drea (bcxanth) for being the only ones to participate. Both will be receiving Ter’Angreals (by random choice) and will be allowed access to them upon Raising. To Veria, she will receive the Reflect ter’angreal and to An’drea the Silver Bracelets. Have fun girls, and congrats again!
Policy Changes
(By TaeaDawn)
* Novice and Accepted reqs have been changed to give more character development and less stiff classtime reqs! Check out the full requirement list here: CLICK HERE
* In addition to the Novice & Accepted reqs, until January 1st the raising requirements are REDUCED. For full details check it out here: CLICK HERE
* The Warder limit has been changed! The Green Ajah is allowed 4 warders and the Red Ajah will now be allowed to bond 1 female warder. CLICK HERE
* The site wide limit of 1 character per division has been raised! You are now able to have 3 characters per division! See the original thread for details: CLICK HERE
Staff Openings
All Applications can be sent to DMWT.STAFF [at] Gmail.com
Novice & Accepted Helper (N&A Assistant)
IC & Ooc Position
We are looking for an IC Novice or Accepted to assist with both IC and Ooc duties realated to anything MoN. This may be a current or new Novice (or Accepted ~ Please submit a small bio with the new character) that will be actively involved with orginizing N&A functions In Character as well as assisting in archiving Bios, updating mentor tables among other duties. (Full List will be give upon request.)
*WordPress knowledge an asset.
Two Roleplay Coordinators
Ooc Position & Staff Access
The purpose of an RP Coordinator is to Develop and Coordinate Roleplays for groups of players in either the White Tower or multi-Divisions. Do you have an idea for an RP? Interested in developing Minor and Major RPs? Do you love Drama, intrigue or just going out and having fun? Apply Now!
Roleplay Highlights
(By Jaydena & Arette)
Raising of an Amyrlin
A new Amyrlin Seat must be picked. Why? Sirayn Simeone, the Flame of Tar Valon has vanished without a trace. *dramatic music* So it’s up to the Sitters of the Hall to find a replacement for her. Someone who won’t run the Tower into the ground. Someone with diplomatic skills and someone who has been away from the Tower. Annais Nevell is the one they choose but not all Sitters agree. So it’s down to feet washing for Annais. Hope she uses lotion for these ladies might soften them up some!
Oh say can you see, the shining Amyrlin, by the line of her duck-like Sitters. The Amyrlin Seat has been chosen, she had washed so many feet, I am betting she never wants to see another, and it’s time for a ceremony. Yes, that’s right, a rousing feast with drinking and I am sure lots more. Come check it out and post your Aes Sedai getting drunk, what fun!!
We have an Amyrlin Seat (OPEN)
*starts humming that song* Partying Aes Sedai. Wow 200 year old women shaking their groove thing, this ought to be fun! *rolls eyes* Hope no one breaks a bone or rupture their spleen. So if you want to see the Aes Sedai getting down, than come check out this rp. You can marvel at how badly some of the Aes Sedai dance and even do the funky chicken if you would like. Remember that you can rp this rp at the level you will one day be, so Aes Sedai and Tower Guard. All Amyrlin rps have been given this special privilege, so take advantage of it and post.
Let’s get the party started
Kandor RP’s
The Shadow is big, bad, and ugly and I am not just talking about the Trollocs in this RP. Kandor has been taken over by Dreadlords and just about all things icky and dark. It’s up to the White Tower to save Kandor from the evil that possesses them. The Tower fighters, led by Jaydena Mckanthur are sent off by Sirayn Simeone, the Amyrlin Seat. A stirring speech she does give. *wipes tears away* The group travels to Kandor by Skimming and quickly sets off to fight their enemies.
A Gateway Opens
In the second installment of Kandor, which you can buy on DVD. All proceeds go to the make Jaydena rich fun! *wiggles eyebrows* The WT is scouting around the captured city and are suddenly attacked by the icky. It’s up to the WT to make it all work out and things are going wonderful, until the Shadow disappears without a trace. What in the Light?.
The Northern War
Watcher’s RP
Reds, Ashaman, and future Ammy’s oh my! This rp is just chalk full of all kinds of stereotypes. The Reds are not only bonding but they are being bonded by the very men they have been fighting to still for so very long. The horror, the horror! *shields eyes*
A Routine Patrol
After the chaos subsides the dead are laid to rest. Maegan Sedai stays behind to help and in turn erects a small monument in memory of those fallen. All are welcome to step in and reflect on the drama that is lurking hiding in the shadows of the Black Tower walls
Day Old Hate
The negotiations in the Black Tower to release the captive Aes Sedai ain’t turning out quite as expected. An Aes Sedai has a sense of humour, a Tower Guard turns out to be a babysitter and the M’Hael regresses to an age of five. The Wheel weaves in wondrous ways and the show must go on. Stay tuned for the next episode!
Final Words
Humfuddle and Tiddly-winks..
That’s all, Folks!
Aka : Arie Tarou
The White Tower Division Leader
Assistant Group Leader of the Light & Unaligned Races