Aubriana Daivon

Basic Information

Nation of origin:Andor
Hair:Pale Blonde - Red (it will grow darker with age)
Description:Petite, delicate bones, nobility skin
Voice:A little sing-song, but well spoken.
Personality:Aubriana is from a respected House in Andor and from a house that traditionally sends young nobles to the Tower for formal training. One Power abilities or not. Aubriana is of the belief that this is foolish, and when she learns of her ability to channel, she is of two minds. The power itself is intoxicating, but she also fights it because of her love of her family and her siblings she will have to leave behind. Overall Aubriana is a kind character, but comes with the same sad bumps as any other noble. There are commoners, nobility, and those in power. Many lower than her are simply invisible to her, even her fellow novices. She is sometimes as quick to give out orders as she is to jump to complete ones given to her. She has known no tragedy in her life, yet.

One Power Breakdown

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Aubriana was the first daughter to be born to House Daivon, and the first of her generation. Her youth was celebrated and welcomed by all in her House and it was set in stone the one day she would be the Head of House for her generation. Her family wasted no time in teaching her every aspect of politics in Andor from a very young age. From proper tone when speaking, to a proper walk, how to hold her dress up when stepping over puddles (no further than an inch above her ankle!), everything. Aubriana knew little else in her life than the constant attention she had from her family and tutors and teachers. She was even allowed some basics in sword training to help her with balance and dance. (A quick wit is like a sword).

By 12 she was quite accomplished for her age, but surprisingly still humble (for a noble). She was never taught that she was better, nor that she stood above others. Warned repeatedly that many would seek her misfortune and her demise along with the demise of her House standing in Andor, it was of little surprise that she took much of that to heart. Aubriana grew to be very protective of her siblings and her family house, and even started to find shadows in odd places. Odd, but not completely unusual. She had favorable instincts to see lies and deception out of her fear of failure. Tutors were changed, teachers were dismissed and replaced. Even family members were welcomes less, while others were kept in closer council. Aubriana was far too wise for her age, but even still when it came time for her to be sent to the White Tower, her youth was evident. Though she knew so many Aurbiana’s friends were her family. Her allies her siblings.

Brought to the White Tower to train, Aubriana was far beyond her own depth. Especially when her training was not to be simply History and Protocol. An Aes Sedai! She couldn’t even start on just how frightened she was. Not that she showed it when she signed the Novice Books.

Family Tree:
★ Father – Kael Daivon
★ Mother – Aurana Daivon
★ Sister (younger) – Mariana Daivon
★ Brother (younger) – Kelios Daivon

Sigil: A Silver Arrow with the fetching of an Ash Tree



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